Scaling, Securing and Optimizing DNS
Hyperscales and secures your infrastructure during high query volumes and DDoS attacks, making sure apps are highly available—even between multiple instances and across hybrid environments.

About Domain Name System (DNS)
Benefits of Domain Name System (DNS)

Superior DNS performance
Manages query responses with multicore scalability, handling spikes in DNS query volumes.

DNS security
Validates query requests, mitigates malicious communications, absorbs DDoS attacks, encrypts end to end with SSL, and more.

Reporting and analytics
Logging, reporting, and analytics - detailed DNS and GSLB data, statistics, and graphs for in-depth analysis.

Global server load balancing
Supports application requirements across data center and cloud environments while keeping apps available.

Continual monitoring and automated failover
Gives you the flexibility to shift traffic to a backup data center and fail over an entire site, or just control the affected apps.
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