Keamanan Aplikasi

Tentang Keamanan Aplikasi
Keuntungan Keamanan Aplikasi

Analisis Kerentanan Runtime
Identifikasi dan perbaiki risiko keamanan dengan proaktif mendeteksi kerentanan di semua lapisan aplikasi Anda secara real-time.

Keamanan Aplikasi
Kurangi biaya investigasi log terkait dengan insiden keamanan yang sedang terjadi atau yang dicurigai, seperti serangan aplikasi.

Otomatisasi DevSecOps
Integrasikan tools dan proses yang telah ada untuk mengotomatiskan creation, assignnment, dan penyelesaian vulnerability tickets secara cerdas.
CDT sebagai Authorized Partner Dynatrace

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Lihat Solusi Dynatrace Lainnya
Automatically monitor all your infrastructure, including cloud, hybrid, containers, VMs, network, servers, storage and more.
Full end-to-end observability enables organizations to get to the bottom of application performance issues much faster, including issues that arise from cloud-native and microservices environments
Application Security module includes the Dynatrace AI engine, which helps developers prioritize security issues while eliminating false positives.
Tools and technologies to gather and evaluate metrics from sources along the customer value chain to determine the quality of a user’s interaction with a digital touchpoint
Connects application performance and user experience to business metrics, enabling business and IT teams to collaborate through shared real-time perspectives
Answers and intelligent automations to help you improve production reliability seliver secure and high quality software faster, enhance BizDevSecOps collaboration.